Many people over 35 (and some even earlier) have persistent back and neck pain. In addition, the pain appears and disappears and becomes worse after many hours of sitting. Almost always, the cause of these painful sensations is osteochondrosis.
Osteochondrosis is a negative (dystrophic) change in the joints (or articular cartilage) of the spine and the intervertebral discs. Not only does osteochondrosis occur in the spine, but this part of the body is where the problem is most acute.

Symptoms - what is the most important thing?
The main symptom of osteochondrosis is usually pain that appears and goes away. The pain sensations also increase with static load, for example when the head is tilted for a long time, the pain in the neck increases. When sitting for a long time, pain in the lower back occurs. At the same time, gymnastics can provide some pain relief.
It is necessary to understand that similar pain can appear with inflammation, but in this case it will quickly pass. In the event of an injury, recovery occurs within 3 months. If you have had spinal pain (neck, chest, lower back, sacrum area) on a regular basis for a year or more, you will have a hernia 99% of the time.
Osteochondrosis is a progressive disease. If not treated in a timely manner, the pain will increase. However, the greatest risks are associated with the consequences of inaction in treating the spine.
Look for the following sensations to initiate immediate therapy:
- Numbness;
- the appearance of goose bumps, tingling;
- the appearance of neuralgia;
- Impaired mobility.
Most of these signs are associated with compression of the neurovascular bundle. In this case, the compression can be localized in one place, and pain and distorted sensations can be felt from a distance.

Reasons - why is it inevitable?
To put it simply, osteochondrosis is wear and tear on the spine. Diseases of the spine are primarily caused by its vertical position and sustained tension in the paravertebral muscles, which tone and relax only when stretched or under the therapeutic influence of specialized equipment. It is enough to sit at the computer or in the car for more than 2 hours - this already leads to hypertension of the intervertebral muscles of the lower back and neck. And after several years of a sedentary lifestyle, hernias appear in the neck and lower back. That is why it is important to help the spine after 30 years! Before the spread of mass sedentary work, the sturgeon disease worried people after 40 years. But now this disease is getting younger and begins to manifest from the age of 25.
That is, the main reason for the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the spine is muscle spasms. The main focus of treatment should be restorative work with muscles.
How do you treat? Effective and cheap
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine at home can be divided into 3 phases:
- We alleviate acute pain.
- We eliminate muscle spasms and activate recovery processes and blood circulation in the spine.
- We do general strengthening exercises - so you can tone the muscles and consolidate the effect of the therapy.
The easiest way to relieve acute pain is through medication. This is most effective, but it should be remembered that this is not a solution to the problem, but rather an elimination of the symptom.
In the 2nd and 3rd stages, an innovative technology that has gained popularity in Europe can be used at home to eliminate the causes of osteochondrosis and prevent its development. It is based on autogravitation therapy. The therapy is based on the principle of safe working with one's own weight on the therapeutic tips of the devices. Developed by a team of scientists and doctors, the Cordus and Sacrus devices have an anatomical design, the therapeutic protrusions of which sink into the intervertebral muscles or deep ligaments and can release their tension. No other technology has been able to do this so precisely and safely so far.
Implementation of the procedure. To perform therapy, you need to take the device, place it on an exercise mat or rug, and place the device under the desired area of the spine. The study of a segment takes about 3 minutes on average. During this time, the tensed muscle or ligament relaxes under the action of the apparatus. Due to the effect on the main cause of osteochondrosis - muscle spasms - this method is the safest and most effective.

There are 3 processes running at the same time:
- Proprioceptors are activated - sensors that signal the state of the muscle to the brain. With mechanical action or microcurrents for 3 minutes, impulses are transmitted to the nerve center that regulates muscle tone. Usually the nerve center tires within 2 minutes and the tonic impulses from the nerve center cease, the muscle relaxes.
- Against the background of relaxation, muscle stretching occurs. This removes the compression of the disc or nerve and restores the mobility of the vertebrae and joints.
- By removing the compression of the intervertebral discs and restoring mobility, it can smoothly tighten in a hernia and the displaced vertebrae gradually restore their original position.
Even if the pain is localized in one zone, therapy should be applied to all three parts of the spine. Lower back pain, for example, can result from cramps in the sacrum or neck and vice versa.
After discharging the spine, using the developed method, the device is used to perform exercises aimed at stabilizing the spine and strengthening the muscular corset, which will ensure the consolidation of the results obtained.